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I’m Surprised

It seems I am the number two Google for Jim Bob Cooter and this has resulted in many hits to the site. Yet SKB, who has done more to cover Jim Bob Cooter, isn’t in the top 10. Odd.

For all your Cooter needs, please see Bubba.

4 Responses to “I’m Surprised”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    I can guess why you’re ranking higher than Bubba on Google. Compare this page:

    to this one:

    Your page has “Jim Bob Cooter” in the title. Bubba’s doesn’t.

    Your page also has a higher “keyword density” because there’s less material on the page.

    Both of those features relate to Movable Type’s ability to archive posts individually. It’s absolutely one of its best features.

  2. Brian A. Says:

    That makes sense. I’ve also wondered about search engine rankings.

  3. skb Says:

    Les, that’s exactly right. Plus, people get a hit on an archive page at my place, go to it, and see a month’s worth of unrelated drivel and wonder why it came up at all. I was going to keep it all in a database on the server and generate it dynamically, but then I was thinking search engines wouldn’t see it at all. Now I’m thinking about individual pages with “includes” in the main page or something. Or maybe I ought to just use MT.

  4. Les Jones Says:

    Google is actually pretty good about seeing dynamic content. They index the category and product pages at the site I run for my day job, and those pages are all generated from an SQL database on the fly. Google’s pretty much the only search engine that matters these days.

    Could you write out individual index pages? That’s the shiznit. If not, MT has a lot going for it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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