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Google again

AlphaPatriot links to the latest on Google bias.

One Response to “Google again”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    A Google search on such keywords as ‘t-shirt,’ ‘bumpersticker’ and ‘Bush’ revealed some interesting products offered in the resultant ‘Sponsored Links’ boxes. [The vendors in question will NOT be given any free advertising in this space.] Examples include t-shirts, bumperstickers and buttons sporting such slogans as ‘Gröpenfüerer Schwarzenegger,’ ‘Flush Rush,’ ‘different Bush, same bu** sh**.’ Some items disparage religious conservatives: ‘the Christian Right is neither.’ Others mock those who hold to any faith whatsoever: ‘religion is a crutch for people who can’t think for themselves.’

    I searched for any combination of these phrases and got no sponsored links with any political affiliation of any kind. What gives?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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