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You know your rights, so you’re an extremist!

Via Publicola comes this:

The Citizens Rule Book has such seditious documents as The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. It contains other similar information such as this quote from John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: “The jury has a right to determine both the law and the facts.”

But to hear Paschall’s critics, his booklet is an attack on our system of government. Bruce DeBoskey of the Anti-Defamation League is alarmed that Paschall is making the book available: “He is using his official position to add legitimacy to an extremist philosophy that undermines our government.”

Apparently for critics such as DeBoskey, American government requires the people to do whatever they are told by a judge, no matter how outrageous and unconstitutional the judge’s position might be.

The government schools have spent billions to indoctrinate Americans to do only what some government leader tells them to do. Then, here comes Country Treasurer Paschall with his book of American constitutional law and quotes from the country’s founders saying we should think for ourselves. The shame of it!

“Shameful” is exactly the word applied to Paschall by an editorial in the Denver Post. The paper’s editorial asked: “[It is doubtful that] this man — who has been handing out free booklets on jury nullification, a corrosive abrogation of the rule of law and the fundamental concepts of American freedom — really represents the ‘party of Lincoln.'”

I’ve read about jury nullification in the past. Essentially, jurors can tell the judge and the law to fuck right off if they think a law is unconstitutional or just bad.

Power to the people.

Copies of the Citizens Rule Book are available for $1 here.

3 Responses to “You know your rights, so you’re an extremist!”

  1. Guy Montag Says:

    I bet the critics of this book don’t even celebrate Emancipation Day (16 April, also the “adoption day” of the Hacker Jeep).

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Interestingly enough, I can’t get to many of your links, because Websense blocks “weapons” as a forbidden web site category. I can’t get to, either, because that’s “offensive.”

  3. mike hollihan Says:

    Jury nullification is simply recognising that the jury, and not the judge, is the true power in a courtroom. They, and they alone, have the power of decision. If the law is unjust or unjustly applied by either the prosecutor or the judge, it is the *duty* of the jury to recognise that, and to take the necessary action. This goes back to John Adams, who won huge fame in the Colonies for winning a jury nullification in a case of his (and was later our second President).

    Used to be that everyone knew of nullification. But in the modern age, prosecutors and judges work hard to keep that knowledge from the people. It’s too dangerous for the “common folk” to know they have that kind of power over their government. 🙂

    Grand juries have even greater powers and license. It’s why there are so few called in political cases. They can demand to learn all sorts of things best kept secret!

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