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Publicola on the ball

Publicola suffers from half-bakered disease. He goes a while without blogging then posts a bunch of good stuff back to back.

Publicola notes:

On a thread at G&A’s Second Amendment Issues Forum someone asked why some people such as myself are always bad mouthing the NRA.

This will be an attempt to define the issues we have with them.

Read his reasons. I would also add that the NRA concedes defeat from the onset of any legislation and works to catch up. They could be lobbying for legislation to get rid of the assault weapons ban; getting rid of the Hughes Amendment; or lobbying to lower the NFA tax, taxing a right is illegal.

He also notes that:

California has filed a brief in oppossition to Silveira being heard by the Supreme Court.

In short the brief states that the second amendment applies only to the states & it only restrains congress. No individual Right. It brings up other issues, such as the court shouldn’t hear the case because it doesn’t have to (The Court had said that it should refrain from tackling complex constitutional questions until there is a direct & immediate need to do so) & the plantiffs lack standing since they are only contemplating the purchase of ‘assault weapons’ & aren’t specific about possessing any currently.

One Response to “Publicola on the ball”

  1. mike hollihan Says:

    Hey, I have my own disease! I feel so…special. Oh, wait. It’s not a good thing, is it? 😉

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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