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Monkeying Around

I cannot find a link but apparently an orangutan has escaped and is tormenting local residents by killing their cats.

Update: Loyal reader Drake provides a link to the story.

3 Responses to “Monkeying Around”

  1. glenn1you0 Says:

    My wife heard the same thing from her mother.
    Where did you hear of it? Likewise, I cannot find any official reference.

  2. Drake Says:

    WATE has been covering it at 6 pm the last couple of nights. I have relatives who live there who think it is way out of proportion. It’s being made out to be a huge orangutan or gorilla, but anecdotes from folks up there is that it is more like a chimp. I tend to buy into the smaller primate because a bigger one would have been filled with lead.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Glenn, i heard it on a local radio station. Are you in Tennessee?

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