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Kick Ass

I am remiss in mentioning that on June 4, Gov. Bredesen signed into law a bill that reads:

The sheriff or chief of police of the city of residence of a person purchasing any firearm, defined by the National Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. 5845 et seq., shall execute within fifteen (15) business days of any request all documents required to be submitted by the purchaser if the purchaser is not prohibited from possessing firearms pursuant to § 39-17-1316.

In English, this means that if a Tennessee resident applies for a Class 3 weapons permit (to purchase machine guns, suppressors, short barreled rifles, etc.), that the chief law enforcement officer must sign off in 15 days if the person isn’t prohibited from owning them. This is good because a local official can no longer just sit on these requests. It took a friend of mine six months to get his signed off.

Some local officials never sign these things.

Update: I like Guy’s term of Shall Issue Class 3.

4 Responses to “Kick Ass”

  1. triticale Says:

    I have been told that the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, where I live, and those of the surrounding suburban counties, have a collective policy of never signing such forms. At this stage, I’m not in the financial position to submit a request anyway.

    The CCW bill which is projected to pass both houses of the Wisconsin legislature this year has a provision such that residents of a county which won’t issue carry permits can go to another sheriff for it.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    There is a means of bypassing LEO sign off but it takes considerable time.

  3. SayUncle » Gun Confiscations in Tennessee Says:

    […] likely to be needed. I also find it quite odd as Bredesen has been pro-gun and even signed into law SB1658 which states: The sheriff or chief of police of the city of residence of a person purchasing any […]

  4. SayUncle » Bredesen Signs Castle Doctrine Into Law Says:

    […] this and signing into law a provision requiring local law enforcement to sign off on NFA forms in 15 business…, one of our more pro-gun governors is a […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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