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A bit silly to me

They have kept Kobe Bryant’s accuser’s name off of court records (and I recall the media wasn’t releasing her name as well) but a slip up posted her name on the court’s website.

Why can we smear Kobe’s name all over the news and court records (after all, he is innocent until proven guilty) but not her’s? If she turns out to be wrong, will they publish it then?

3 Responses to “A bit silly to me”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Well, to be fair, Kobe’s name is always all over the news, even without this scandal. I don’t think anyone’s rights are being violated here. It’s not as if Kobe and his legal team don’t know who the accuser is. And in no way is Kobe being treated as if his innocence isn’t presumed, at least not in any way I can see.

    Any time “the little guy” files a grievance against “the big guy,” there need to be protections for “the little guy,” otherwise the overwhelming resources of “the big guy” will smash “the little guy.”

    If she turns out to be wrong, will they publish it then?

    I think they will. But sexual assault cases are always a sticky wicket. They virtually always come down to a case of he-said/she-said. As to what really happened, we need to keep reminding ourselves (and a responsible media would keep reminding us) that we don’t know, and we may never know. The only people who will ever know for sure are Kobe and his accuser.

    Kobe will get his day in court, and he’s got a really good shot at being exonerated. Hell, OJ got off, and he almost certainly was guilty. As often as not, it’s not who’s right or wrong, but who can afford the better lawyers. 🙂

    but not her’s?

    By the way, “hers” has no apostrophe. 🙂

  2. SayUncle Says:

    By the way, “hers” has no apostrophe.

    Should i point out that you post at leanleft which has some of the worst spelling/grammar of any blog i’ve seen. Yet i don’t point that out :^)

  3. tgirsch Says:

    I’m in the minority here, but if you find spelling or grammatical errors in my posts, I absolutely want you to point them out to me. Details are important, and that includes spelling and grammar.

    Now for Kevin’s posts, you should NOT point out such errors. Kevin is beyond hope. 🙂

    (If you’re reading this, Hi Kevin!)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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