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I Lied, Sue Me

I said I’d posted my last entry on Fumento, I was wrong. BigWig has posted a response from Fumento.

I am impressed. It seems maybe Fumento has learned his lesson. His response is reasoned, more polite, and appears to be free of lies. Lesson learned. Score one for blogs.

I was responsible for tipping InstaPundit to the story via email which BigWig (and others) then linked to. I’m certain others tipped Insty off as well but he did respond to my email after he posted his comment, which brought attention to the issue. I am not taking credit for the entire storm laid on Fumento, but I’d like to think I played a small part. So, though I may fall into Fumento’s category of one of the 99% who get no traffic, I did help ensure that the issue got a significant readership. Credit after all goes to Rich.

I am not saying blogs are better than journalists by any means, but they can be a factor. Fumento was goaded to respond to allegations because of blogs. That is a good thing.

One Response to “I Lied, Sue Me”

  1. Shots Across The Bow Says:

    Enough is Enough!
    Checking out SayUncle, I found that Fumento is still commenting about our little dust up. Bigwig has this to say:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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