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We bloggers dig our traffic. Some of us like to brag about our traffic or ridicule the amount of traffic others get. But eventually some upstart will come along and challenge us.

Enter Rush Limbaughtomy, who likes to point out his sitemeter stats to folks. You go to his stats and he averages 404 visits per day, impressive for a new blogger. However (there’s always a however), as of this writing, out of the last 100 visitors, only 16 stayed for longer than 0:00 minutes. If you click the entry pages, you notice the same six blogs listed almost exclusively:

If you go to those sites, you will find that they all run off of the same sitemeter account. And they are all run by Rush Limbaughtomy.

The same goes for his exit pages.

So, what’s that all about? My theory is he links among his different sites thereby turning a single hit into multiples. So, I figure he gets 67 hits or so a day (404 divided by 6) while making fun of CJ for getting 41 per day.

I could be wrong, but it is a bit curious.

Update: Edited to remove link and remove confusing name.

15 Responses to “Interesting”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    I’ve wondered about that, since our blogs are roughly the same age. I don’t know how he does it. For my part, I’ve concluded that the only way I’d get 400 visits a day is to invent a computer worm which automatically re-directs browsers to my site.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, i don’t believe for a moment from perusing his stats that he gets 404 legitimate hits.

  3. Justin Says:

    Expose eh? What a piece of shit he is. I bet he leaves his browser open to his page for hours at a time to lengthen the time viewed stats?

  4. Chris Wage Says:

    Come on. Who cares?

  5. Rush Limbaughtomy Says:

    Rush Limbaughtomy 1091 visits/day
    Bum’s Rush 1091 visits/day
    Treason Online 1091 visits/day
    Savage Cruel Bigots 1091 visits/day
    for anybody to see these four sites share sitemeters like every archive page on any of the sites. They are all my posts and all my visits. A visit to one site is a unique visit and a link to another is a page view. Sitemeter sees these as one site with multiple pages like archives.
    If you want to assess unique visits and referrals go to the eXtreme logo below the site meter on the Rush Limbaughtomy site and click referral 1 and you can read the last 20 – referrals 2 will show all time referrals for the past 13 days.
    The bulk of my big day visits were from 4 separate times that a post of mine was featured on What Really Happened and twice when a post was featured on Bartcop.
    “Piece of Shit” Justin can “kiss my ass”
    Say Uncle should get his facts straight since any reasonable research would show that Hoggs Online and the Fox fair and balance parodies are not sitemetered with the others.

    Sitemeters do not register 4 visits every time one visitor hits one page and there is no reason that page visits to any of these sites should not register on my total visits because they are visits to my posts on my pages.
    It is strange that Say Uncle who says sitemeter misses 25% of his visits would think that using sitemeters would increase mine.
    The only way visits increase is when a big dog from a heavy traffic site links to a post. If you can make that happen do it.

    3170 visits or 48.25%
    I got 3800 hits from WRH in one day last week.

    eXtreme tracking is only active on Rush Limbaughtomy and it shows 8589 – 89.45% unique visitors since August 7th and a total of 9602 while Sitemeter shows a total of 8,800 visits or 800 less with all four sitemeters.

    Since you brought it up Uncle my referrals speak for themselves and anyone can read them any time they wish which is more than I can say for your site. I have nothing to hide and all of my sitemeters and eXtreme tracking and blogpatrol are public records.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Say Uncle should get his facts straight since any reasonable research would show that Hoggs Online and the Fox fair and balance parodies are not sitemetered with the others.

    Then why were those two pages listed as entry/exit pages? Seems my facts are straight and, as usual, yours aren’t.

    Sitemeters do not register 4 visits every time one visitor hits one page

    I never said it did

    and there is no reason that page visits to any of these sites should not register on my total visits because they are visits to my posts on my pages

    No but a bit back when you boasted to CJ about the number of hits, you listed those stats and implied they were for RL.

    It is strange that Say Uncle who says sitemeter misses 25% of his visits would think that using sitemeters would increase mine.

    It does, when you share six sites.

    which is more than I can say for your site.

    But i don’t go around boasting about my stats while attempting to belittle other bloggers. If anyone wants mine, all they need do is ask and i will copy and paste the stats for them.

    And justin and rush both, go easy on the insults.

  7. CJ Says:

    Wow… you hit a nerve 🙂

    Now who’s defensive about their visits (or lack thereof)… or should I say their “made up” visits!!! 😉

  8. SayUncle Says:

    And chris, I don’t care how many hits he gets and wish him the best on getting as many as he can. Any successful blogger is a good thing. as for why i made an issue of it, RL used his higher stat number to belittle fellow blogger CJ, who gets fewer.

  9. AlphaPatriot Says:

    Uncle Detective, nice work.

    Personally I believe that anyone who is as good as he is (and he is good) at spewing rancorous rhetoric and dressing it up with some pretty good artwork will get the hits. There are legions of tin-foil-hat-wearing, closed-minded, little haters that drool over this stuff. I give you Sharpton, Jackson, Mfume, Carvell, Franken, Maher, and so on, all highly successful due to these types of tactics. I also give you (before Barry does) Rush, Coulter, and Falwell. Ramp up the nonsense, and they will come.

    It’s not the numbers, it’s the quality. And who links to you. Personally, I just glow with pride when someone like Hobbs or Uncle thinks enough of something that I wrote that they link to me.

    BTW, perusing the ecosystem shows Barry at a highly respectable #89 (at least it was when the system went down). Looking at how he got that high shows 31 links from hoggsonline, 26 from savagecruelbigot, 25 from treasononline, and 17 from bumsrush (none from foxnewsblurandtarnish), accounting for 42% of his inbound links. While 137 inbound links is still highly successful (and admittedly more than I aspire to), it would still knock him down from Playful Primate to smack-dab in the middle of Large Mammel. If, as you say, Barry runs all of these blogs (where does he find the time?), he is inflating his own stats.

    Just an observation. Gotta go read some good blogs now – I’ve wasted enough time on this. Now where did I leave off on Uncle’s site . . .

  10. CJ Says:

    Ever wondered how “Rush” got his high averge visit time?

    He once spent 93 hours on his own page!!!!!! 93 hours!!!!!! I don’t even know how that’s humanly possible, but he did it. Take that away and I have a feeling his average visit time drops to next to nothing.

    Hey, “Rush”, have sitemeter ignore your visits. It will make your stats a lot more realistic. Unless your goal is to inflate your own stats so other people have “stat envy”. Why don’t you just go buy a red sports car.

  11. CJ Says:

    Hey… that should say 97 minutes. Feel free to correct it.

  12. Barry Says:

    Small request – can he be referred to as “Rush”?

    I’m afraid with two Barry’s in the RTB, people may start confusing us – and hey, I don’t need any bad press.

    My pitiful excuse for lousy stats are really depressing me, and I think if it gets any worse (compared to Rush’s) I might have to jump off Ann Coulter’s ego….

  13. Last Home Barry Says:

    And just so there isn’t any confusion, this post and the previous one were brought to you by the Letter “B”, the number “34”, and the fine weblog, Inn of the Last Home.

    Thank you. Bye bye, buy bonds.

  14. glenn Says:

    he’s doctoring the stats. I’ve done the same thing accidentally with my blog & a alternate blog that I use to test out new layouts and such.

    Dirty pool…

  15. AlphaPatriot Says:

    Pathetic Marsupials
    It seems that Truth Laid Bear has slaved his weekend away and gotten the Ecosystem back up. Thanks Bear! And I am happy to report that my effort to get Pathetic Earthlings knocked up a rank has succeeded. PE is now solidly in the middle of Marauding Ma…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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