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Spiked Bracelets: Bad Fashion & Dangerous

Massachusetts classified spiked bracelets as dangerous weapons. Now the police are cracking down on them:

District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett has ordered police in Essex County to crack down on spiked bracelets, which fall under the state’s definition of a dangerous weapon.

In Danvers, the bracelets have accounted for more than 75 percent of the weapons violations last year.

By classifying something that isn’t a weapon as a weapon, crime has increased. Good job, bureaucrats.

49 Responses to “Spiked Bracelets: Bad Fashion & Dangerous”

  1. thomas Says:

    what the hell is wrong with you people just because people wear spiked braclets and chokers doesnt mean we are bad people that is bullshit its the way we express ourselves dont stereotype us to thinking o my god he is wearing a spiked bracelet lets go bust him cause hes gonna go do something stupid with or hurt someone heres heres a new idea why dont you do your damn job busting people who are actually doing something wrong not the ones who are expressing themselves in there own way

  2. henry Says:

    thats straight up bull shit and its
    rediculus, they must not have much to do down there in mass. lately….ExPRESS YOURE SELF HOW EVER THE HELL YOU WANT…!!!!

  3. ronnie Says:

    i wear 7 spiked bracelets 2 spiked collars and 12-to-24 chains at a time. my damn school thinks it is “inappropriate” and should be taken away. i think they are going to try and outlaw it legally in all of pa. or just in lancaster pa. i think its bullshit because we rarely even use them as weapons and even if we do it is in self defense from more than one person. its bullshit and nothing more

  4. John C. Says:

    I’m the owner of a Punk / Fetish & Hardcore Leather Clothing & Accessories Factory.

    I Was a StreetWorker Before.

    I’ve 13 years of experience in Ninjustu “Ninja”

    For myself I think that eaverything in this world could be used as a weapon.

    Just a pencil could kill someone if he attack in the eyes…. would pencil be banned too?

    All knows that a broken beer bottle in a bar would be used as a weapon before any kind of SPIKED bracelets,,, same about most everything that could fall under the hand when a guys fighting

    A Spiked Bracelets cost about at least 12-15$
    A well shaped steel blade knife could be found in any 1$ shop

    If someone have a real bad intention,, he for sure wouldn’t buy a spiked bracelets,,no?

    All I have to say about this BIG JOKE, is that’s the intention of the guys behind the object that caused the problem… for sure not the object.

    And anyway the retailer have the FIRST control responsability… when feeling a guy bads,, he just dont have to sell.

    Same for toxic products about kids,, take all your responsability and everything would be allright without JUSTICE !

  5. PuNk PrInCeSs Says:

    goddam u people everything we own can be used as a weapon! why dont you just bust someone for wearing clothes!!

  6. Alarian Sutherlyr Says:

    An hour ago I just had three spiked bracelets and 4 spiked collars confiscated. They are worth $40 a piece (candian) There must be a way to fight this. Its a war, a stupid war bent on nothng but wasting time and talking away peoples identities.

  7. The Comedian Says:

    “Eventually we will only be allowed to own things made of NERF and/or dryer lint.”

    (Not original to me, but I like it.)

  8. natalie Says:

    fuck all u prople that say that goths dont know jesus i go to church every chance i get and im a goth.goths are just people that u peopple dont understand so u r scared

  9. Ashley Says:

    You fuckers are nuts Goths and people who wear spikes and other stuff you cracks don’t like are smater than most of you fags. My friends and I dress punk and gothic and we are more than likely the most intelligent people at our high school. Don’t judge a book by its cover!!!! Go fuck your self. I am trained in the martial arts and if I am to fight someone I would take off my spikes so I don’t ruin them. People are so fucking closed minded. Start showing a modicum of benevolence, or do you not know what that means?

  10. Andrew Says:

    blOGgers!!@!!! ROOOOOL!!!!!!!! !!111!!!!!

    G0THS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. mikitaro Says:

    fuck man.. society blows.. for those who wear spiked braclets would know that it wouldnt be worth bustin it in sumone’z face.. i say people who dont understand should jus shut up and leave others alone to express themselves the way they want to.. but who cares wat others think.. jus continue to be who u are and fuck wat other ppl say.. be who u wanna be.. not who society thinks u should be

  12. california X Says:

    I hate to be the one to say this, but it isn’t about the spikes being used as weapons. they are distractions to other students. I know that you hate hearing that-i do too. other people are stupid and can’t deal with our expression, so WE are the ones who get punished. it’s bullshit, but it isn’t about weapons-it’s about people being distracted by “extreme” fashion. maybe I’m distracted by how stupid other people look in plaid and corduroy, but who the hell cares?

  13. matt Says:

    hell man im only eleven and im wearing spiked bacletschains goth hoodies goddmn man fuck whoever thinks spikes are dangerus

  14. ???????????? Says:

    I am also a goth but i only wear black nail varnish because everyone makes fun of me. And if i wore lipstic and eyeliner aswell, which i really want to do, then i would be beaten the crap out of at school!!!!!!!!

  15. Little blood Says:

    I’v gone throu all that about the spiked braclets,
    the chains,and the gothic stuff.I’v been made fun of to.The thing at my school is if you dont go around useing the spikes and cains as weapons then you can wear them.It wasn’t always like that though.All the teens in my school ignored the rules and the school wasn’t going to suspend half the school so the school let the rule go.So if you realy want to do as you please every one has to fight together and don’t give up no matter what.

  16. Morgan Says:


  17. ash Says:

    im 13 i got my spiked bracelets tooken away at school. so everyday id wear a different one just to piss the motherfuckers off. im not stereotypical and woudnt label myself goth but u can basically call me that. and morgan u r a stereotypical bitch think every goth person cuts there wrist its just a fashion thin nothing more. just like the music just an expression. so y dont u go blow-job justin timberlink and fuck off?

  18. Kevin Baker Says:

    Um, er…

    Erudite, ain’t they?

  19. Goths R Losers Says:

    Goths suck! Why don’t you learn some grammar before writing comments you retards. You’d probably try to kill yourself with those spikes anyways, you suicidal freaks.

  20. Rusty Johnson Says:

    Spike bracelets are cool. And for all the people that said that Gothic people and Goths are dumb, you are the dumb ones don’t judge something you can’t understand. I not A goth but i some and they are really cool smart people. And as for the person that said that it is wrong if you wear spiked bracelets after the age of 14 shut up. I m 19 and im a punk i still wear them. Try telling that to die hard punk and gothic people. Don’t be ignorant closed mineded people and don’t judge. skateboarding and punk forever.

  21. bacon Says:

    if i had to i could probably choke someone to death with the shirt off my back, you gonna make me run around naked just in case. ive also had to hit a person with a telephone before. lets ban telephones so that doesnt happen. if i wanted to i could also go and chuck my monitor at someone, should we not be on our computers right now? what about cops, they walk around with guns for the so called “protection of the people” but most of the time end up doing more harm then good. im not saying police shouldnt have guns, i want the cop with the biggest baddest gun in the force to be coming to my house when theres a robber, but to ban a piece of jewlery because it may or may not be used as a weapon, its bullshit. everything in the world is a weapon, you could hit a guy in the head with a frisbee hard enough to knock him out if your good at throwing them. i got an idea, why dont the cops spend a little more time busting crack heads and woman beaters(which they clearly need in massachussets) instead of wasting there time trying to feel big taking peoples jewlery away that they spent there money on without any knowledge of the fact that the police may take them away.

  22. AJ Gilbert Says:

    Bullshit, no one will stop me frm wearing my spiked bracelets and collar.some of them are not even real metal.why use my bracelet for self-defense when I can use my feet and hand.
    The only time my bracelet can be dangerous is during a mosh pit.Fuck all ppl who think they are dangerous

  23. Goths R Losers Says:

    shut up stupid. they are dangerous.

  24. joel grimm Says:

    I’m a drummer for a black metal band. I wear full arm spikes and chains all the time. I’ve been suspended from school 4 times for it. FUCK all of you assholes who judge me before you know me, you fucking hypocritical christian bastards. I could beat the living shit out of someone with a Sponge Bob Square Pants lunch box. It’s not because they are used as weapon but because whoever makes the rules are anal sailors. The principal at my school stars at the goth kids. The principal stares at the goth kids all the time expecting they will do something wrong. And, why they act bad most time is because we are fed up with their bullshit. Once again fuck all you assholes if you don’t agree with me you are wrong. God is dead, your god is dead, god is dead, I am the devil.

  25. Pyro Dark Rose Says:

    Fuck this y the fuck to the cops thisnk they have a rite to take something so un danegourous as spikes?? its jewllery man, what are we all going to go running around hitting people with our spikes around our fist, cause you know that is how gothics were there jewllery and all! i fuken agree with this hit about everything in the world is dangerous u can more then likely hurt sumone more with ur body parts then you would with spikes .. just think how much would a good kik in the nutz hurt?? do we giv out apendetuers to the cops too?? the shit about goths all being depressed and slitting there wrists BULLSHIT im not goth however if u saw me on the street you would think i am … i dont get depression, i dont slit my wrists. most goths or people from that similar scene get depression because of all the shit that everyone who dosnt understand give them. i would also like to point out i do have a religion i donjt go to church but i have baptised and i do have a religion, however isnt sumone with a religous cross around there nek just as able to hurt someone with it as a person with spikes?? and wearing collars how the fuck could u hurt sumone with them i dont know about everyojne else but i dnt often ram into someone neck first!! and for whoever this freak goths r losers is obviously you are a very fuked up person and a dickhead at that because you cant understand ne one else except for urself and the other dicks you pay to be friends with!! and the dumbwit about not wearing spikes till after 14 well idont know about in your country but in mine there aint many people on the scene younger then 14 because at 14 noone really know who they are!! For the fact that as someone else said why would we use our spikes to hurt people …… we may ruin them!! and for all u people who get a way with fuk loads of spikes and jewllery ets at your school feel spoilt .. at my school not only are we not allowd to wear spikes chains etc we are not even allowed to wear a full article of black top and bottom!!!!!!!!! and mainly for my country coz i dont know about all of urs but if we have to put up with all the skanks, sluts, whores and home-gs they should be able to do the same to us!! and if the cops wanna crack down on our jewllery as they thik they are weapons then y dnt they start doing sumthin about all the home-g cunts hu get high and smash everyone up on the streets of the sluts, whores and cunts who can fuken get arrested on fukne indecent fuken exposure!!!!!! the society has got us all wrong, i had a old man cum up to myself and my goth mate last nite and ask if he cud take a pic of us, he was a tourist, prior to taking this pic he said that he was talking to a cop accross the road and told him he wanted our photograph the cop turned around to this old man and said if you take their photograph they will sue u … so he asked if we would and we were both shoked that they would really think that. we are people to but wiht our own feelings and thoughts and beliefs so the rest of the world may as well go fuk themselves because the best people in the world are the people that are true to our scene, the gothic, punk and metal scene!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Goths R Loser Says:

    joe grimm is a loser!!! god isn’t dead and your just mad cause i’m right

  27. Goths R Losers Says:

    Pyro Dark Rose sucks major ass. you are the dick, mofo

  28. Veda Says:

    Well, I am 11, and a girl. I wear a spiked bracelet my older sister gave to me, she used to wear it. Rite now she is in London and getting a good education, people who wear spiked bracelets are NOT stupid ass’s who think theyre better than everyone else! Open your mind! Jeez.

  29. freddy Says:

    wut da fuck is ur fukin problem, goths r cool, im 9 and i wear 9 spiked braclets!

    goths foreva!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. jojo Says:

    what do you people have against goths did they do anything to you just because they look diferent doesn’t mean to hate them

  31. Goths R Losers Says:

    you all suck. fuck all you goths!!!! god rocks

  32. Veda Says:

    I am not against goths, punks, or anything else EXEPT: People who are too ignorant to open their minds, even to small things like spiked bracelets! Why are there people like that?!

  33. Veda Says:

    I am not against goths, punks, or anything else EXEPT: People who are too ignorant to open their minds, even to small things like spiked bracelets! Why are there people like that?!

  34. a-NON-amous Says:

    you people that hate goths you all fucking suck huge dicks assholes

  35. a-NON-amous Says:

    you people that hate goths you all fucking suck huge dicks assholes

  36. shiney Says:

    i dont remember anyone saying god sucks?i only hate the POSERS who wear spiked bracelets to try to be like all the other ACTUAL goths/punks.and when did this board become all about hating goth people instead of bracelets?
    all u gothic people/punk haters SUCK!!

  37. Goths R Losers Says:


  38. shiney Says:

    ummm…that came out wrong at the end…i hate gothic people HATERS and punk haters…oops

  39. inuyasha Says:

    i think all goths shoud go to helll!!!!!!!!
    they freak me out!!!

  40. unyasha Says:

    and i dont give a shit what eney 1 els has to say

  41. unyasha Says:

    and i dont give a shit what eney 1 els has to say

  42. GoThY cHiCk Says:

    U r a grrrrr. i do wear spiked chokers and cuffs, they r not dangerouse, oh yeah exept 4 the mosh pits but u probly dont know what a mosh pit is, even if u do neeeeeeaaaa. Oh and @ mosh pit peeps wouldnt care if they get hurt they just wanner have fun! So u can just stick our spiky chokers and cuffs up ya gob 2 shut it!

  43. PunkorGoth Says:

    What is ur problem, pepes who hate goths?! We r just like you except we wear different clothing. You act like that makes us another species or something. Dang, that really annoys me! Rr

  44. PunkorGoth Says:

    What is ur problem, pepes who hate goths?! We r just like you except we wear different clothing. You act like that makes us another species or something. Dang, that really annoys me! Rr

  45. Goths R. Losers Says:

    unyasha is a poop head. face it. thank god i’m on this world to cancel out people like you

  46. black blood Says:

    FUCK EVERY ONE that thinks thats goths are scarey horrible creatures that should be shot I say too every lil fucker that thinx that shit should have their throat slit. I am sick and tired of walking down the street and having old tarts and other lil suckers looking me up and down in disgust. I am so sorry that it is a crime to dress how u feel, listen to the music u like and be urself. I love the way I am and don’t want to change. I am friends with ppl that arn’t goth and sure they are alright people but oyes but they still critisiz the way I am, the goths I know are the most interesting talented ppl in this fucked up society. If any one looks at me wiered I always say to them “yea I am an ex-nut house patient and I will slit ur throat do u have a problem with that?” and I neva get anoyed by that person again. So my advise is that we all stick up for wat we are and tell every other cunt that disagrees to go fuck a sheep or somethin!!!!!!!

  47. black blood Says:

    We dont wear ‘Spiked Bracelets’ and shit to endanger pplz lives we only wear them to be different and we dont give a shit bout no fashion we have our own style fuckers!!

  48. Goths R. Losers Says:

    you dont gress how you feel. you do it to get attention. duh. you guys have problems and should get counciling. seriously. you people are dangerous to our society.

  49. steve Says:

    Alright guys…im not a goth at at all….but allu bitches u say just because someone is they are dumb and stupid should go fuckking burn in ur american eagle clothes…..just because they dont feel like comfoming to ur dumbass doesnt mean they are stupid

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