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Maryland Update

An update to this case in Maryland where a guy was building guns (which isn’t illegal in Maryland):

Wheeler is charged with several misdemeanors that are all related to the gunpowder police found in the home. Miller reported that police will not disclose the other locations they’ve searched and call their investigation “very active.”

. . . all of the search warrants in this case remain sealed

So, having gunpowder is apparently illegal in Maryland? And the warrants remained sealed? Sealed search warrants scare the crap out of me. This info should be made available.

Don’t get me wrong, this alleged white supremacist likely should be locked up but people need to know why. Several misdemeanors, which aren’t disclosed, doesn’t seem to warrant (no pun intended) $2M dollars in bail and closed search warrants.

2 Responses to “Maryland Update”

  1. Chuck Says:

    You have to wonder if it’s his views or what he did.

  2. paul Says:

    Most likely it was because he is not a target that most people can sympathize with. ÆÔ8dy Weaver and David Koresh had the same liability.

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