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Guns in your home?

PointCounter Point.

2 Responses to “Guns in your home?”

  1. SK Bubba Says:

    “Douglas J. Wiebe, PhD, Instructor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology”

    What the hell kind of made up crib class is that?

    Anyway, if I lived in a world of criminals, drug dealers, drive-by shooters, and other assorted n’er-do-wells (as the counterpoint suggests), you can damn sure bet your bottom dollar I’d arm myself. Hell, I don’t, and I do, anyway.

    The suicide thing, well, I have trouble going there due to some sadly unfortunate personal experience. But I will just say, based on that experience, the means has nothing whatsoever to do, or any scientific correlation with (from an entirely anecdotal standpoint of too many anecdotes) with what led up to the end.

    OK, then.

  2. Patriot Says:

    Guns have no effect on that at which they are not pointed. I will never commit suicide. With the exception of one’s own firearm, there exists little effective defense from an attacker’s firearm. Thus, I own guns.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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