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When it’s OK to be a bigot

Lots of talk around the RTB about this MP article that discusses bigotry against Republicans. For a detailed analysis, check out Rich vs. Barry, which sums up the differences of opinion.

I have an interest in this to an extent. I’ve been asked why I choose to blog anonymously. The reason is that I work in an industry that is very liberal. I’m not making this up, but once I found an article on FoxNews that related in a very pertinent way to our industry. I forwarded the article to several key management employees. I received responses wherein they basically said: How dare you forward a link to FoxNews? I, jokingly, told them I’d only send them NPR pieces in the future. Anyway, the point was taken.

The other thing I’ve noticed that is somewhat discriminatory is the treatment of the fanatic fringes of each party. The fanatical right is decried in the media. Strangely, the fanatical left is treated with some credibility. No media bias, my ass. In fact, some groups on the right who are not particularly fanatic (the NRA comes to mind, as do some non-violent pro-life groups) are labeled fanatic.

It seems that it is OK to be bigoted toward people as long as you are bigoted toward them based on characteristics they can control. That is, it’s OK to discriminate against Republicans/Democrats because they choose to be that way. And each side does it. But don’t be a bigot towards uncontrollable characteristics (race, gender, etc.).

Of course, that is a dangerous assumption: What if I choose to be Jewish? Is homosexuality a choice? The fact of the matter is, it isn’t bigotry. It’s a disagreement among people that leads to particularly foul behavior. It’s a tantrum. It’s akin to kids taking their toys and leaving. I expect liberals to act a certain way with respect to conservatives and vice versa.

Long time readers of this blog (both of you) will recall when I started out, I often referred to liberals as tree-huggers and a few other terms of affection. I stopped using the term as often (unless it was funny) to avoid being offensive to my lefty readers (again, both of you). The fact of the matter is, I may disagree with a lot of people, but I at least try to be a good sport about it.

Now get out of my face you goddamn tree-hugger!

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