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I mostly despise instances in which congress makes laws. My reasoning is simply that each time congress passes one, it is an expansion of government privilege, an infringement on civil liberties, or a waste of taxpayer dollars. When congress does nothing, it’s a good thing. Passing asinine feel good legislation is a prime example of a waste of money and infringement on liberties. I do get warm fuzzies when someone proposes a law that repeals another law. In this country, we have too many laws. These laws often conflict and many of them mostly serve to make it appear as though our elected officials care and are doing something (which they often really aren’t doing anything), if they’re not catering to special interests.

I obviously support some laws. One that I support is the current gun manufacturer protection law that prohibits frivolous lawsuits from misuse of firearms (of course, I think the law should be expanded to all products that could be misused). It establishes that if a person misuses an arm, that the manufacturers aren’t liable. It doesn’t protect in the instance that the manufacturers or retailers negligently sold the arm nor does it protect them if the arm is defective. Again, this should be expanded to all products. Why manufacturers should be held to account for the stupidity or evil nature of people is beyond me. It is absolutely asinine. Democrats oppose this legislation and their plan is to filibuster.

This is also the plan with Bush’s judicial nominees. The Democrats are filibustering that too because they think that Estrada is an extremist, which is totally fallacious. He’s a moderate conservative, and here’s one take on his record and it doesn’t indicate extremism at all. Of course, anyone who doesn’t agree with you is an extremist. Because his views run counter to Democrat views, he’s an extremist.

But filibustering is not enough. In Texas, the Democrats aren’t getting their way so they crossed state lines and are holed up. Uberblogger Bill Hobbs explains that this is illegal, in addition to being dereliction of duty. The reason for this ridiculous behavior from the Democrats is that redistricting is up for vote and they will lose their power base. I hope these representatives are unceremoniously arrested and placed in jail.

The Democrats are playing obstructionists, which ordinarily would be a good thing given how I feel about laws. But some things need to be done, like appointing judges, common sense legislation, the will of the people, and budgeting. The Democrats are actively being inactive. No wonder a poll says that most people don’t even know who their Democrat candidates are. They’re not doing anything other than standing in the way.

As I said, congress not doing anything is preferable to them passing laws, but these issues outlined above are out of line and strictly partisan. Pick your battles. Why didn’t they filibuster the hell out of the unPATRIOTic Act? Now the Republicans have more ammunition to bury this party, even more than they had in November.

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