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In Florida, there is a requirement that to advance to certain grade levels in school, you must pass certain tests. Turns out that a great number of minorities don’t do so well on this test. So the minority community leaders there are looking into ways to improve minorities’ scores through education and community activism. Just kidding (but I had you didn’t I?)! The minority leadership is doing, unfortunately, what most minority leadership does: They’ve called the tests racist and are organizing a boycott until the tests are modified.

In fact, some allege that Gov. Bush made these tests racist on purpose so that minorities couldn’t advance. Why do minority leaders often claim that something is racist then ask for special privileges (i.e., different racism) to compensate for the racism. Assuming blacks can’t pass a test that white’s can is racist, detrimental, and will set black folks up for failure since they’re not held to higher standards. People of all races should be held to the same standards of education. It is a disservice to minorities to lax their requirements.

Instead of labeling the tests racist, maybe the question should be asked: why aren’t minorities doing well on these tests? Then try to increase their educational opportunities. Encouraging people to be stupid and that it’s OK because of their genetic make up is immoral.

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