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So, you’re saying he’s a redneck

This sicko, Aaron Lee Skeen, who killed the girl who worked at my bank had a couple of webpages, here and here. The long and short of his website is that he hated his life in that artsy gothic sort of way and he was a redneck into low riders and ground effects. Yet WBIR thinks that his pathetic websites offer some sort of insight into his mind.

Here’s your insight, he likes stupid looking cars and thinks his life is just awful. And he committed a horrible act on an innocent girl, who had a bright future ahead. And he says on his site that he’s a nice person, despite his dad beating him. I’m sure the abuse mention will be played up in the sanity defense in court.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Sandy Jeffers.

Update: GSMOT at the blab links to his third site. Which has My parody to ” She fuckin Hates me”
called ” He fuckin raped me

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