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Dogs and cats living in sin (and a pig too!)

Jay and Jane are hosting pictures and commentary on the pets of various bloggers. Go check it out! I have been ribbing Jane some over her affection for cats. See, SayUncle isn’t a cat person. Mind you, I like cats (other peoples’) and am not cruel to them or anything like that (hoses don’t count, right?). But I am definitely a dog person.

If you point at something, a dog will look where you’re pointing; a cat will sniff your finger. You can train dogs to do a variety of things, with cats the only trick they learn is where to crap. Dogs also alert you to intruders, while cats mess up furniture. Dogs are whores for affection and loveable, cats are in it for themselves.

And the big one: a dog does both onesies and twosies outside. Cat litter boxes are absolutely the most disgusting things ever. Maybe I’m weird for not wanting to keep a box of turds in my house.

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