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Thank you for shopping Gun Control-Mart

Wal-mart stopped selling guns in California and in NY, Wal-Mart stopped selling toy guns.

California: Sadly, this is the mentality we’re dealing with:

California Attorney General Bill Lockyer virtually described Wal-Mart stores in his state as weapons fronts for al-Qaida.

Of course, the errors in CA are mostly of a clerical nature:

Wal-Mart officials counter that store employees – who are not paid like your average CEO, to put it bluntly – mostly violated the state’s gun paperwork requirements. On a few occasions, guns were sold to inappropriate parties, but even Lockyer’s office has denied Wal-Mart showed criminal intent.

New York:

Wal-Mart on Thursday suspended all sales of toy guns in its New York stores days after the state’s attorney general sued, accusing the nation’s largest retailer of selling toy guns that lack required safety markings to distinguish them from real weapons

The toy guns have orange caps on their barrels, as required by federal law. But they don’t have the nonremoveable orange stripes down the barrel’s length that New York law requires

This is ludicrous. We now have federally mandated criteria for toy guns (that are similar to criteria for Assault Weapons, in that the criteria are merely aesthetic).

I wish Wal-Mart had some balls. Sam must be spinning.

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