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A Shift in The Crazy

During the 90s, when the Democrats had control of the government, there was The Crazy. The Crazy consisted of right wingers and their claims of the impending New World Order, various (and often unfounded) murders/scandals of the Clinton administration, and the emergence and opposition to Political Correctness.

Now, we live in The Return of The Crazy. The left is now making very similar claims about the government since their boys aren’t in control anymore.

* The New World Order has become American Imperialism. Instead of UN world control, it’s US world control.

* The various murders/scandals of the Clinton administration have become Big Oil motivation, plutocracy, and corporate takeover. It’s not Lewinsky, it’s Halliburton.

* The emergence and opposition to Political Correctness has become the emergence and opposition to Patriotic Correctness. It’s not banning the Confederate flag, it’s the Dixie Chicks and Pearl Jam.

Of course, the loudest voices in The Crazy and The Return of The Crazy are often the extremists. And the people eat it up and it fuels party politics.

People are divided so much by party that they can’t effectively deal with issues. Our rights are being slowly whittled away right out from under us all the while we are arguing over who is doing it.

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