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More blame-shifting lawsuits

The NAACP is blaming gun manufacturers for deaths and claming that gun violence disproportionately kills poor, urban blacks and it accuses gun companies of not doing enough to stop it. So, following the great American tradition, it is suing gun manufacturers.

Other NAACP claims:

. . . African-American males between the ages of 15 and 24 are almost five times more likely to be injured by firearms than are white males in the same age group.

The reality, of course, is that gun violence doesn’t kill black people. Black people kill black people:

. . . while blacks make up only 12 percent of the population, they account for 46 percent of total violent crime and 90 percent of the murders of other blacks.

The NAACP is abusing the passive verb tense quite a bit, claiming gun violence is responsible for deaths. Neither gun manufacturers nor gun violence are responsible for black folks killing black folks. It takes the will of a human being and their finger to pull a trigger. It is a conscious thought. Guns are not roaming the country side on their own shooting black folks arbitrarily. The black community and the failures of its leadership are responsible for the disproportionate numbers of deaths from guns. This kind of fallacious thinking of blaming objects is absolutely asinine. Of course, it’s better than the NAACP admitting that it has failed to educate the black community. It’s also better than black community leaders admitting they are, in fact, ineffective at dealing with the problems of the black community (like drugs, poverty, and gun violence). It’s easier to blame others and rally support against an imaginary foe than to proactively change mindsets, which, you know, requires effort.

Now, if I wanted to sue all black people, that would be ludicrous. As is suing gun manufacturers. Now, someone will call me a racist.

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