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Not if, but when

Today is the six month anniversary of the UN Debate on Iraq. The UN is not an expeditious group, like the League of Nations before them, and I fear the UN is ensuring its own doom. Now we have a six step proposal for Saddam (proposed by the Brits):

• A televised appearance by Saddam in which the Iraqi dictator renounces nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

• Baghdad’s permission for 30 key weapons scientists to travel to Cyprus to be interviewed by U.N. weapons inspectors.

• The destruction “forthwith” of 10,000 liters of anthrax and other chemical and biological weapons Iraq allegedly possesses.

• The disclosure of full details regarding an Iraqi aerial drone recently discovered by weapons inspectors, as well as other unmanned aerial vehicles

• The surrender of and explanation about biological weapons production.

• A commitment to destroy proscribed missiles.

Apparently, some still don’t get it. 1441 calls for serious consequences if Iraq fails to disarm. Further, the inspectors are there to verify compliance and not look for needles in haystacks. Saddam should have proven that he disposed of the weapons and he has failed. But debate after debate and resolution after resolution continue and nothing is being done.

Russia, France and Germany have a material interest in trade with Iraq. They are financially better off with the status quo. For them, it’s about oil, as it were.

And the lunatic fringe in the US that says the war is about oil is nuts. The fact we’re not also putting pressure on Saudi Arabia is about the oil. Saudi Arabia is our number one oil supplier. They also pay off suicide bombers’ families (just like Saddam) and most 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. The US is kowtowing to the Saudis over oil; and France, Germany and Russia are kowtowing to Iraq over oil and trade.

Bush has made it clear that he’d like to have UN support for an invasion but he doesn’t need it. His responsibility lies with the American people and not European trade interests. Maybe after that, he can deal with that Saudi Arabia thing (or North Korea for that matter). Get it over with.

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