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KNS Reads SKB?

A follow up article in the KNS addressing the recent racist incident in West Knoxville reports:

The Whiteside family has been living in the neighborhood for about two years. James Haldeman moved in about a year ago

Bubba found the information at KGIS. This extensive research conducted by Bubba (until recently unknown to the KNS) probably took an entire (brace yourself) five minutes. That’s right, reporters were amazed at the amount of time said research took. Standard journalism procedures suggest a maximum of three minutes tops or else the story gets old.

The article suggests a panel be formed to examine racial incidents since the 1990s in Knoxville. Including a cross burning in Halls.

Of course, racial means: Of, relating to, or characteristic of race or races.
Arising from or based on differences among human racial groups: racial conflict; racial discrimination.

I think our reporter means racist.

Of course, no amount of panels will end racism in our fair city. We need to change attitudes. In the case of James Haldeman, that is a pointless endeavor, I’m afraid. Racists ignorant morons will always exist.

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