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I’m speechless

Racism in Knoxville, who’d’ve thunk it!

Update: I’m not speechless any more. This really pisses me off to no end.


Representatives from the Knoxville branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Knoxville Area Urban League and the Knoxville Region of the National Conference for Community and Justice were expected to attend the press conference, along with some public officials.

Source: KNS

Of course, they should hold the press conference in the street in front of the neighbor’s house.

Whiteside (the victim): This guy has left a cloud over the community forever. And he has the audacity to fly the American flag on his house

Update3: Neglected to mention that the source I’m getting this stuff from is the local altweekly message board. Funny how something this important is on one news channel and a message board. Then the KNS picks it up. Maybe I should start my own newspaper, anyone got $10M I can borrow?

Update4: SKB says:

The news story didn’t mention what neighborhood this occurred in. Based on the names of the parties involved, and a little poking around in the KnoxGIS database, it appears that it is in Stonebrook Subdivision. And, an interesting note. It appears that the black family has occupied their property since June of 2001, and flag waving Mr. Bigot moved next door in May of 2002. Now, go take a look at the pictures of the parties involved in the dispute, and recall Mr. Bigot’s remarks that the black family is bringing down property values in the neighborhood. Seems to me like it’s the other way around.

I wish the KNS reporters would maybe have done some research and told us this info. Guess they got other stuff to do.

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