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Apparently at the Earth Summit, the Czar of France has proposed a nifty new global tax idea. The tax could include the following:
· A tax on all or some international financial transactions
· Taxes on specified traded commodities like fuel.
· A tax on the international arms trade
· A charge on international flights with departures and destinations in OECD countries.
· Royalties on minerals mined in international waters
· Parking charges for satellites placed in geostationary orbit
· Charges for fishing international waters
· Charges for use of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. television, radio) in OECD countries
· Pollution charges
· A tax on traded pollution permits
So, essentially the point of all this is that the US picks up the charges for the rest of the world. What rubbish! We’re taxed enough and we don’t need no stinking socialism. To wit: the plan mostly centers around plugging up the holes people use to avoid paying the confiscatory taxes inherent in Europe’s high tax land of socialism. In Europe, where there is minimal competition in business, it’s a win-win. However, here in the states where we make more, spend more, and generally do more, while paying lower taxes, it boils down to us paying for the rest of the world.

Apparently, since the US is responsible for all poverty, pollution, and all things evil, it’s not enough that we send aid almost everywhere and act as world police (hell, we have troops stationed in France still just in case Germany decides to walk over there again). We apparently aren’t doing enough. Apologies for the lack of links but few of the fine media outlets at my disposal have done a story on it. Just saw it on TV briefly last night

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