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Mmmm, Delicious

While at the Super Target yesterday purchasing groceries, I came across an interesting new fruit. Said fruit is a cross between an apricot and a plum. It’s delicious. It’s tart and sweet and is not quite as juicy as a large ripe plum. It tasted great and I bought a pound of them (what the hell, I’m affluent). Now, this fruit is man-made, or at least manipulated by man into creation (I mean, we can’t create genes yet can we?). My only gripe is that if we’re making fruit, why not make it seedless? After all, it may be like a mule and unable to reproduce so the seeds may provide some sort of aesthetic quality. But I don’t know.

Now, the quandary: It seems that the trouble with creating these fine fruits is not interspecific hybridization, genetic manipulation, or ethics dilemmas. The problem with this wonderful creation is coming up with an appealing name. A name that says ‘I’m tasty.’ A name that tells the buyer what this wonderful fruit is. See, the name of this fruit is pluot. What an ugly name for a great tasting treat. Seems these genetic scientists and farmers could benefit from some good marketing people to come up with better names. Pluot just doesn’t sound appealing, does it? But hey, go buy some, they’re well worth it.

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