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Hope and change

Obama First Month: Fail

3 Responses to “Hope and change”

  1. Manish Says:

    Well, first off it won’t have been a month for another couple of days, but who cares? He should have just written this post on January 20th at 2pm. Its clear, that nothing Obama does will ever satisfy that guy or many others. Why not save us the trouble and just write a script that will do a posting daily to say Obama’s first xxx days have been a would be a lot less work.

  2. RW Says:

    Manish, “that guy” is an Obama voter who is to the left of Al Gore. Or, in short, an honest liberal/progressive who is speaking his mind.

    Quite foreign, I know. No offense.

  3. Manish Says:

    I know lots of people like him who think that Obama has failed and it hasn’t been a month..some voted for Obama others voted McKinney, Nader or whomever else. As I said, some people will never be satisfied.

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