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Open Carry Victory

In VA:

It’s legal to wear a gun on your hip in Waterside, a judge decided Tuesday.

After hearing more than two hours of testimony, a General District Court judge dismissed a trespassing charge against Dan Moore, a Hampton resident who police said was ordered to leave Waterside for carrying a weapon, and refused to leave.

State laws permit openly carrying firearms in public places. City officials contended that Waterside, though built in part with public funds, is owned by a private entity and thus is a private facility not subject to state laws.

3 Responses to “Open Carry Victory”

  1. _Jon Says:

    I love the “a judge decided” part. WTF?
    How about “natural right” or 2nd Amendment upheld…

    It’s like their on the other side or something.

  2. Curtis Lowe Says:

    “Not subject to state laws…”

    Does that mean if someone robs a privately-built & owned 7-11, they are “not subject to state (robbery) laws?”

  3. mike w. Says:

    “not subject to state laws.”

    Yeah, I’m sure that would be the case if they had decided not to allow blacks to enter the building…

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