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Speaking of Australia

From Kevin, turns out their draconian gun laws don’t reduce homicide or suicide:

New research on Australia’s gun laws published in the Sydney University journal Current Issues in Criminal Justice examines the strengths and weaknesses of a series of papers on Australia’s firearms legislation, and highlights “best-practice approaches to evidence-based policymaking.”

What is the conclusion of the report? Two things. First, there is no evidence that gun laws save lives. Second, “anti-gun extremists” rely of flimsy evidence.

3 Responses to “Speaking of Australia”

  1. Robb Allen Says:


    It’s almost like we’ve been right all this time! Nah, can’t be it.

  2. Exurbankevin Says:

    Thanks for the link!

  3. mike w. Says:

    Oh my god! You mean facts don’t lie?!

    Too bad so many folks are immune to the facts even if you continually throw the truth in their face.

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