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Why won’t you dumb, cousin-humping rednecks vote for Obama

That explains it!

4 Responses to “Why won’t you dumb, cousin-humping rednecks vote for Obama”

  1. Lyle Says:


    Why is it (and this seems to happen a lot) that whenever someone feels the need to tell me they’re smart, I’ve gotten the oppostie impression well in advance? Maybe it’s because I’m so stupid that the really smart people appear ignorant and stupid to me. Yeah, that must be it.

    Anyhow, I’m still waiting for a detailed list of all the things Obama is, you know, actually going to do to solve all our troubles. If it’s hope I can believe in, without substance, well, what is it exactly? I must really be dumb because I don’t understand that one bit.

    Or is it that a hard-core socialist agenda is too complicated for Barak to explain in any detail. Surely it’s one or the other– I’m dumb, or Obama is a run-of-the-mill socialist. I suppose it’s possible that they’re both true– I’m dumb and Obama is a run-of-the-mill socialist. In that case, how is it that I can see it and the Democrats can’t or won’t?

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    When you’re a Hipster Elite from San Francisco anybody as far south as San Jose qualifies for that treatment. Hell, you can start at Redwood City or San Carlos even – and just forget about the East Bay, the water they drink over there is laced with petrocarbons and fluoride or something and the children are all deformed.

  3. Don Meaker Says:

    I am always amused at people from San Francisco putting on airs. I have lived in Paris, London, and I know class. They ain’t it.

    To sheep, other sheep are different.

  4. john Says:

    I don’t understand how Joe-mentum Biden thinks he’s gonna get votes by calling the voters stupid.

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