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How you can tell Sarah Palin is a force to be reckoned with?

Suddenly, all the spam that’s hitting the blog references her.

10 Responses to “How you can tell Sarah Palin is a force to be reckoned with?”

  1. Bobby Says:

    “Ya smell that rook?”

    (sniffs) “Fear”

  2. Gregory Morris Says:

    Hmmm…. you mean they advertise Sarah Palin in stead of Viagara? I can kinda see… er, um, never mind.

  3. Phelps Says:

    “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”
    — Jonathan Swift

  4. Michael Hawkins Says:

    She truly is todays “hot” topic.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    greg, I don’t believe viagra would be needed in her case. Unless your Obama and his response has been pretty limp.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    you’re not your. damn ignorant fingers

  7. bloc Says:

    would this mean that Dan Quayle was a force to be reckoned with?

  8. Manish Says:

    I can see the signs now:

    Spammers for Sarah

  9. Gene Says:

    The name of change is SARAH

  10. straightarrow Says:

    I kind of like Sarah, in this case. My great grandmother’s name was Sarah. That was her white name. I do not know what her Indian birth name was.

    But she was a helluva lady.

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