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Inflatable Firearm Ban

Whenever you are reminded that “commonsense firearms laws” are the right way to go, remember to point them at that former bastion of common-sense, Britain.

I say former, because now that firearms are effectively banned from the law abiding, the laws and rules continue to slide into crazy-land.

The 47-year-old entertainer, also known as Tony Turner, has previously had to ditch his bubble-making machine because he could not get public liability insurance as companies assessed that youngsters might slip and hurt themselves.

He said he was also told by one venue he could not twist balloons into the shape of guns for fear of encouraging youngsters to commit violence, although swords were deemed acceptable.

As far as encouraging violence goes, have you ever seen what happens when a clown makes shapes out of balloons? While waiting for the little’un to get his fill of playing in the “tubes” at Mickey Dee’s a clown showed up and started making animals and such. Everything that was long and thin, such as swords and snakes were used by the kids to whack each other over the head. Those with twist shapes, such as dogs, ships and rabbits turned them into guns. and used them by standing back out of the way making “Kapow” noises.

Political correctness trumps reality when you let things slide too far.

But the kids understand…

One Response to “Inflatable Firearm Ban”

  1. #9 Says:

    Britain can’t have “inflatable firearms”? They have lost it over there. Poor bastards. That must be a criminal heaven over there. High taxes and violent crime. The perfect socialists Utopia.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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