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This vehicle carries less than $20 worth of ammunition*

Dr. Helen is talking about bumper stickers:

Do you ever wonder at the bumper stickers people have on their cars and feel thankful that you have been warned about their thinking processes in advance?

Yes. I don’t do bumper stickers. Any thing I have to say would be offensive to somebody. And I don’t want to risk annoying someone to the point that they feel inclined to damage my truck. I do like Kevin’s bumper sticker.

* That’s actually a lie. In my vehicle right now is 45 rounds of Remington Golden Saber 230g 45ACP (about $20 per 50) and 25 rounds of Remington Golden Saber 102g 380 (about $13 per 50). That’s about $24.50 plus tax.

7 Responses to “This vehicle carries less than $20 worth of ammunition*”

  1. #9 Says:

    This vehicle carries less than $20 worth of ammunition

    I like that one.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    I was going to put “I Think, Therefore I Blog” on the truck, but in the end I stuck with the original.

  3. Stickman Says:

    I always liked “Driver carries less than $20 of remorse”

  4. Bruce Says:

    Warning: Gratuitous Plug Ahead!

    I just put in the order for my latest, soon to be available for purchase…


    Additional warning – purchasing one of these bumper stickers will have absolutely no impact on the temperature of our planet. They have no carbon offset value whatsoever.

  5. Michael Says:

    I use to do bumper stickers on the car. I no longer do, got tired of liberals picking verbal fights with me at Walmart. Even thought my favorite was “I miss my ex-wife, but my aim is getting better.” I got a chuckle out my dad with that one.

  6. pdb Says:

    Whenever I see the “Keep honking, I’m reloading!” bumper sticker, I picture some guy with a Dillon 550 bolted to the dashboard cranking out a few rounds while he’s stuck at red lights.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    Heh. I actually have one of those “F The President” squares on my car. Oh, and a “be an organ donor” sticker of some sort, since my father-in-law is a transplant recipient.

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