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In other news, Mexicans more likely to celebrate Cinco de Mayo instead of using it to justify getting slammed on tequila and fondling some stranger

The AP:

AP Poll: Blacks Likelier to Celebrate MLK

And whites apparently notice that the banks aren’t open.

In other, other news: SayUncle discovers that Likelier is a real word.

5 Responses to “In other news, Mexicans more likely to celebrate Cinco de Mayo instead of using it to justify getting slammed on tequila and fondling some stranger”

  1. Manish Says:

    Actually, Mexicans are quite unlikely to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Its a minor holiday in Mexico..unlike what it is in the U.S.

  2. T3rrible Says:

    I wondered why the banks were closed and the mail did not run. How come we have MLK day but not George Washington day? Or at the very least Abraham Lincon day, as it would run in a similar vein?

    Is cinco de mayo like the ides of march? only bad things can come from this…

  3. yeah yeah sure sure Says:

    Really? You gotta be shittin’ me

    I was unaware until the mail did not come.

  4. Les Jones Says:

    I can’t wait for the next stunning demographic revelation come St. Patrick’s Day.

    “Mostly White Dudes Puking Up Green Beer Again in 2006”

  5. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    What really disgusts me is how the PC powers that be make more of a big deal about MLK Day than Presidents’ (Washington and Lincoln-too bad they had to be born in the same month, otherwise we might get two holidays) Day. MLK Day and the media runs all sorts of stuff about MLK (it helps that they’ve got footage of him, I’m sure) and memorials by Jackson, Sharpton, et al.

    Presidents’ Day? Just a day off and an excuse for a white sale at Macy’s.\

    And I’d dare say that either Washington or Lincoln alone had at least twice as much impact on this country as MLK.

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