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Is this the tolerance or the diversity?

But that’s not racist:

Those of us who know our whites know one thing above all else: whiteness defends itself. Against change, against progress, against hope, against black dignity, against black lives, against reason, against truth, against facts, against native claims, against its own laws and customs.

And America is held hostage by flyover states

4 Responses to “Is this the tolerance or the diversity?”

  1. HL Says:

    Lets hold it up to a mirror and see what happens…

    Those of us who know our blacks know one thing above all else: blackness defends itself. Against change, against progress, against hope, against white dignity, against white lives, against reason, against truth, against facts, against native claims, against its own laws and customs.

  2. Fred Says:

    They forgot one: against getting our neighborhoods burned down. You can burn down your own if you want but don’t expect room to destroy in mine. Even very left Mount Greenwood, Chicago pushed back against BLM.

  3. mikee Says:

    I now have been told I am a racist, whether I think so or not, whether I hold any consciously racist opinions or not, whether I act in any racist manner or not.

    I am told I am not only a racist but an irredeeemable racist who cannot help but be a racist who cannot change any aspect of my racist nature.

    Do the people telling me this actually understand the consequences of so labelling me.

  4. Uncle Joe Says:

    It seems like white racists and black racists can at least agree that both races possess an unchanging essence that defines individuals as this or that.

    It’s nice when people can come together, right?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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