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Sign of the times

Number one search term at the Centers for Disease Control: Zombies:

6 Responses to “Sign of the times”

  1. Scott Says:

    #1 and #5! That is incredible.

  2. armed_partisan Says:

    Media fail. If they spent less time talking about phony diseases like Mad Cow, and more time talking about actual pandemics, like Malaria, something that kills millions of people annually, then we might be that much closer to finding better treatments and preventatives instead of having people focus on nonsensical, imaginary disease outbreaks.

  3. Mike Says:

    #6 WTF? Someone concerned about fat people giving them cooties?

  4. Richard Says:

    armed, its called DDT but apparently because it was used indiscrimately in the past we would rather let millions of people die from Malaria than use it today. Nevermind that we have a better understanding if its effects and that when used in small amounts (just as effect) you negate the main environmental affects.

  5. BornLib Says:

    Yeah, I feel real good about what my tax dollars are being used for right now.

  6. BornLib Says:

    I am by no means an expert, but it seems to me that DDT was far less toxic (to animals that weren’t bugs) than any insecticide that replaced it.

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