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Only one professional enough . . .

NC police chief loses gun and badge after failing gun qualifier.

5 Responses to “Only one professional enough . . .”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    But remember, Police are both highly trained and highly skilled that they can be trusted with the guns we can’t have!

  2. Secret Squirrel Says:

    Best thing I’ve read today:

    Maybe he’s never been able to hit a bull in the caboose with a bass fiddle.

    I’d like to insert that into daily conversation, but I don’t think I have the right accent.

  3. mikee Says:

    Any accent will work if the quote is tuned to the regional idiom.

    The quote can be pronounced in a norhteastern accent simply by changing bull to moose. A crisp Maine accent would work well.

    Change bass fiddle to serape and a Mexican accent works.

    Change caboose to china shop and an English accent works.

    Change the quote to “I surrender” and even a French accent works.

  4. Jailer Says:

    I bet you anything his “regular” firearms trainer was not available for this years qualifications and someone new handled it.

    Bet you again that that trainer that failed him is going to have a tough career ahead of him.

  5. JAG2955 Says:

    Richlands is literally right down the road from me. Maybe I should stop by and bring along the broad side of a barn.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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