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A bit back, one police officer was killed and a homeowner injured when the police performed one of their ninja raids trying to find a marijuana grow operation. To my knowledge, there has been no release that they actually found drugs. Anyway, a judge has sealed all the warrants that were issued.

4 Responses to “Sealed”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    That is never a good sign… For the police. Sealing warrants in a case which they intend to go for the death penalty… Sounds like they are hoping people will forget long enough for them to get a guilty conviction..

  2. John Smith. Says:

    By the way… Did anyone notice that he used a 9mm handgun to do this??? Guess that theory where you can only take on a swat team successfully with a machine gun flew right out the window.

  3. A Critic Says:

    I’m so glad we have SWAT teams to protect us from illegal florists.

    And even if they didn’t find any actual illegal flowers growing, there surely must be constructive possession of the necessary components, i.e. water earth sunlight. Isn’t that enough to get a conviction these days?

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Although not a Lawyer, I think the Shooter will be able to get them Unsealed when his Attorney gets to the Discovery Stage. Stay Tuned.

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