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EDC Knives

Weerd posts his favorites. I wound up buying the CRKT Delegate. So far, I am a fan. It’s lightweight and, frankly, one sexy looking knife.

10 Responses to “EDC Knives”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I need to look into the delegate. It apparently used the same opening mechanism that my Vertex uses, also it is a VERY sharp looking knife.

  2. anon Says:

    That is an elegant looking knife. Four left just became three left. Do you still get your cut when the order is fulfilled by someone other than Amazon?

  3. Lear Says:

    My EDC is the Kershaw OD-2. It’s a lovely knife.

    I almost got the Delegate when it came out, but I had a hard time judging the size of it… and it looked… big.

    How does it feel in your hand? Got any action shots?

  4. adam Says:

    Hey Unc – how thin is the Delegate?

    I prefer thinner knives, with flat scales/panels. My EDC is an Emerson Commander, but I’ve been lusting over the Benchmade 530 Pardue. It’s thinner than a cheap pack of gum.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Pretty thin, actually, sleek is a better word. Feels great, almost rapier like. Will have to do a review soon.

  6. Bill Says:

    @ adam,

    Try a Benchmade Nagara!

    The Delegate looks awesome for the price!

  7. Jim Says:

    I’ve had the Delegate for a couple months now. I bought it, frankly, because I liked the good looks not only of the knife, but the discreet, black clip. On any dark color pants, it’s virtually invisible. At first, I had trouble with the opening mechanism until I realized that you don’t need to push down on the button, you only have to push it sideways, and it opens easily. Now it’s my EDC.

  8. adam Says:

    @ Bill – I like that! Reminds me of the high-end Sebenza knives.

  9. Beaumont Says:

    I like the design, but for me, the deal-breaker is the liner lock. Liner-locks (& frame-locks) work fine for opening, but I can’t close them one-handed without putting fingers in the path of the blade. Conversely, with the Axis lock that Benchmade uses, I can open & close one-handed without looking.

  10. DaddyBear Says:

    My Delegate arrived yesterday. It’s a slick looking knife. I’m still learning how to open it without thinking about it, but it’ll come with practice.

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