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Aw, poor baby

Seems officer roid rage is suffering post traumatic stress disorder.

7 Responses to “Aw, poor baby”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Sounds like he needs some Post Traumatic Bitch Slap Disorder to help him out..

  2. j t bolt Says:

    He needs to be suffering from claustrophobia because his prison cell is too small

  3. Jake Says:

    My heart bleeds for him.


  4. mikee Says:

    Say what you want. I read this and thought, “Damn smart lawyer!”

  5. Huck Says:

    A new cop out for thug cops. They cant be charged or disciplined because it’ll stress them out too much.

  6. Lyle Says:

    Huck; I wish there were a new cop who was out for thug cops ; )

  7. 45er Says:

    Self-inflicted. I guess he got hit by his own roid-rage shrapnel.

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