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Reports of man in camo with machine gun walking streets causes lockdown

Turns out, it was a couple of kids playing.

4 Responses to “Reports of man in camo with machine gun walking streets causes lockdown”

  1. The Freeholder Says:

    A replica M-60? Some kids get all the cool toys!

  2. justin Says:

    I to school at the school were this happeined and it was a big joke. For the lock down people had to go hide in a locked room with two big plate glass windows any shooter could see/shot through. The up side to all this is more of my classmates understand how stupid the schools plan for a shooter is and why i have a CCP

  3. Huck Says:

    “They wont face any charges”. Now that was awful nice of the PD, since they wer’nt doing anything wrong in the first place!

  4. Jim Says:

    Thats just another day playing in the backyard for my7 year old and his neighborhood A-Team. They’re all camo’d up and each packing at least 2 toy guns along with 2 way radios and plastic handcuffs. Al Queda better not make landfall along the Penobscot River in Maine!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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