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Gun Porn

Survival shotgun. How exactly are you supposed to use that bayonet?

Hubba hubba: The Bren Gun Girl.

Uhm, no.

Another gun I don’t get: the survival rifle

9 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Beaumont Says:

    This shotgun has popped up on the int3rtubz before, and personally I think the “survival expert” was having fun at the expense of Art of Manliness. Of course, I could be wrong & the guy is perfectly serious, in which case his seminars should be a hoot and a half.

  2. Tirno Says:

    She’s got the cigarette.

    She’s got the gun.

    She’s got the looks.

    If she just had a flask of war hooch tucked away somewhere, she’d be the whole package.

    No wonder there was a Baby Boom after the war.

  3. Bill Says:

    That bayonet, its for slashing, not poking!

  4. Jay G. Says:

    Aw., c’mon Unc. Not everyone can afford those fancy shotguns…

  5. Bryan Caskey Says:

    Nice find on the vintage picture. I guess that’s the Brit version of Rosie the Riveter.

  6. survivalist Says:

    The survival rifle avoids the patents of any other small rifles and shotgun/rifle combos, and has “survival rifle” in its name. Therefore it is a legitimate product to market, and has been marketed to sell, sell sell!

    What, you say it isn’t suitably designed or built for its intended purpose? Tell that to the Pet Rock designer, or the Taurus Judge owners.

  7. Rivrdog Says:

    I’ll take the Judge over that M-6 copy. At least, with the Judge, you can chamber .45 Long Colt, which is a stout enough cartridge to do what you need to do at short range. Firing both barrels on that Survival Rifle at an angry anything bigger than Rocky Raccoon brings you more misery than if you had not fired.

    The ultimate “survival” gun, IMHO, would be the Serbu Shorty in 12-ga, 3″. Not the Super Shorty, but the original Shorty, which is a 3-round weapon.

    I can’t own one here in OR, even with an NFA.

  8. Rivrdog Says:

    Re: the Z-Corr products: What does it do that a Food-Saver 11″ wide roll (u-cut to length), some silica gel packets and the vacuum sealing system can’t do for a lot less moolah?

  9. DirtCrashr Says:

    The bayonet is for keeping some-other-guy (who wants it) from grabbing the barrel and using leverage, taking it away.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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