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Past ninjafication and on to militarization

Are you kidding me: Steven Seagal, Sheriff Raid Valley Home In Tank

Honestly, a tank and a fucking washed-up action movie here are used in a police raid? To bust up a cockfighting ring.

12 Responses to “Past ninjafication and on to militarization”

  1. Cargosquid Says:

    Those cocks are dangerous. Someone might put an eye out. I hear that they had evil, black, high capacity cocks.

    Besides, I think that the tank was just to carry Seagall’s fat butt.

  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    “We’re going to err on the side of caution. We’re going to make sure that we have the appropriate amount of force in case we do run into anything like that,” said Sgt. Jesse Spurgin.

    I’m shocked they didn’t consider the tactical nuclear strike. Someone really needs to have their ass fired over things like this.

    And if Segal is so F@#$ing tough why did he need a tank? Talk about abuses of power. Joe Arpaio should be ashamed of this.

  3. Jeff Says:

    Until Saysuncle gets it’s own line of spiritial infusing energy drinks, you can’t judge the sensei master.

  4. Stan Says:

    If memory serves Segal is actually a sworn deputy in some part of the country or another.

  5. Dwight Brown Says:


    He’s a “reserve deputy chief” with the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana, according to Wikipedia (and my memory of the one episode of “Lawman” I’ve seen).

    That, of course, raises the question of why he was conducting a raid in Arizona…

  6. HK_WSU Says:

    What is left out of the article was the means of putting down the birds. It was done by forcing them to listen to the latest Steven Seagal album.

  7. Dwight Brown Says:


    Just as long as they didn’t show the birds “Urban Justice”: that’d be animal cruelty.

  8. Phelps Says:

    Segal cut some sort of deal with Arpaio about a movie he’s making that gives him carte blanche to ride along on any bust he wants, and film it.

    Another reason Republicans need to get the Arpaio stain off their roster.

  9. Rignerd Says:

    They must have been worried about being under gunned at the cock fights.

  10. John Smith. Says:

    Never understood why the cops kill the birds from cockfighters seeing they are only speeding up the inevitable conclusion to the matter… The gambling thing is total bs….

  11. Dwight Brown Says:

    Earlier, I replied to Stan and noted that Seagal was a “reserve deputy chief” in Louisiana.

    I just found out, by way of a link on Balko’s site, that Seagal apparently resigned that position after the sexual assault lawsuit was filed against him last year. (That lawsuit was dropped.)

  12. Tam Says:

    If you want to gamble, you buy your lottery tickets from the government like everybody else!

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