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Amazing incompetence

Via Robb, a woman has had her home raided over 50 times because her address is the default address on warrants.


6 Responses to “Amazing incompetence”

  1. alan Says:

    And yet the cops are ALWAYS exempted from all gun control proposals.

    That seems backwards, doesn’t it?

  2. Ellen Says:

    I bet she gets strip-searched when she takes a plane.

  3. Phelps Says:

    Which means at least 50 instances of LEOs in NYC swearing and affirming to fraudulent and negligent affidavits supporting the warrants, and judges issuing warrants on false information.

    Rubber stamp, anyone?

  4. Jay Says:

    Don’t worry, Phelps. One of the “good cops” will arrest those bad apples.


  5. TheOtherLarry Says:

    Wow – just – wow!!!

    TSA: “There must be a problem with someone who gets their house raided 3 times a week. We better put their name on the no-fly list just in case”.

    Sorry, couldn’t resist…

  6. Mu Says:

    Maybe they should hang up a sign “Welcome to raid 51 (with changeable numbers)” and supply coffee. Maybe someone will get the message.

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