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Thought crime

I can understand folks not wanting a cultural center to be built however many blocks from the World Trade Centers. But I side with property rights and think the property owners can build whatever they want, even if it hurts your feelings or mine. There’s a difference between just not liking something and trying to use the color of law against that thing you don’t like. A concept lost on Nancy Pelosi:

There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how … this opposition to the mosque is being funded,

She doesn’t like your ideas. So, you should be investigated.

5 Responses to “Thought crime”

  1. bwm Says:

    There’s a difference between just not liking something and trying to use the color of law against that thing you don’t like.


    This is the fundamental disconnect between libertarian types and, well, everyone else.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    They can build what they like because it’s a free country.

    But have you noted the quickie change from Cordoba to Park51? And do you know the history behind the name “Cordoba”?

    I think it’s about damn time for the “ugly American – insensitive lout” meme to die a politically incorrect death.

    (BTW, it was cute to see one anonymous twit replaced with another anonymous twit after that insensitive crack was made at Haaretz)

  3. Lumpy Says:

    Isn’t that the only thing a modern politician can comprehend anymore? Funding and donations to the re-election campaign. But I’m from Illinois…..

  4. Ellen Says:

    I’m surprised Pelosi isn’t demanding an investigation of where the Republican Party gets its funding.

  5. Mike Gallo Says:

    There’s also a difference between a cultural center, as you call it, and the sovereign ground of an adversary. This is more akin to putting a Japanese embassy in the USS Arizona memorial, or perhaps a German embassy at Auschwitz. And remember – it doesn’t matter what you think it is, it matters what Muslims think it is.

    Personally, I don’t think it’ll ever be built anyways, but if the Port Authority can tell the Greek Orthodox Church that was there before Sept. 11th they can’t rebuild, then they clearly have the legal authority to tell the Muslims to fuck off, too. We might not agree with that authority, or find it legitimate, but there it is.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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