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In the nanny state

Anti-stab knives. Someone once told me that, in a knife fight, you don’t stab. You cut. Easier for your opponent to fight back if he’s just plugging a hole as opposed to trying hold all of his insides in.

21 Responses to “In the nanny state”

  1. Dixie Says:

    Well, it’s impossible to make an anti-CUT knife, and they had to do SOMETHING… for the children.

  2. bwm Says:

    Someone once told me that, in a knife fight, you don’t stab. You cut

    If you want to kill someone, stab. Cuts will hurt and cause a bunch of surface damage, but they won’t kill (until a person bleeds out anyway).

    If you want someone down quick, you need to hit their vitals, and you won’t do that by cutting.

  3. D2k Says:

    Applegate style is widely regarded as the effective method of stopping someone with a knife.
    Might want to read his book “Kill or Get Killed”, he recommends stabbing repeatedly for an efficient stop.

  4. Pop N Fesh Says:

    as someone who spent a few years training in knives, You can still ruin a guy’s day with that. Stabbing soft tissue areas with those would still be nasty

  5. BobG Says:

    Pop N Fesh is right; it wouldn’t take much to put one of those in a throat or an eye.
    Stabbing and cutting are both effective; it all depends on your intent and target area.

  6. ka Says:

    I’ve trained 2 knife combat systems. The first emphasized angles of attack and slashing cuts. The second emphasized targeting and “poking holes”. Either way looked like it would ruin someone’s rest of their life. Like BobG said, having intent and attacking vital targets is what matters.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    been shot twice, cut once, other than a hand when I grabbed a knife to keep it out of the rest of me. I prefer shot.

    as for use of knife, even a non-stab knife, come in low just above the pelvis, cutting edge up push in and pull up as far as you can. Guaranteed to ruin his whole day.

  8. Huck Says:

    I was taught that you slash at your opponent’s hands/arms and stay as far from him as possible, because if you’re close enough to get at his vitals he’s close enough to get at yours. Also to get away from him as soon as you can because if he wants to knife fight it’s because he’s had training, is whacko, or both.

    I also keep in mind what James Bowie once said when asked how best to survive a knife fight; “Dont get into one.”

  9. ATLien Says:

    i was taught to bring guns to knife fights.

  10. nk Says:

    In a knife fight, you don’t. You don’t engage in a knife fight. You use a knife only as a last resort, for survival, the way an animal uses its teeth and claws. Any way you can.

    And whether “the edge wounds, the point kills” is a debate that I had hoped had ended when the percussion revolver was invented.

  11. Dick Says:

    Been in a knife fight and those knives would’ve done fine.
    Plus, I could bury any one of those in a head, chest, throat, armpit, wherever…

    Fucking morons…

  12. Chaz Says:

    Those knives are…well…


  13. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Re: @ Chaz


  14. donkeyshow Says:

    My buddy worked with his dad in a small sandwich shop they owned. My buddy stood to the right of his dad as they worked. My buddy’s dad is one of those guys who’s hands flail all over the place as he’s talking. If only my friend knew of these knifes. On his right shoulder are a bunch of little scars.

  15. John Smith Says:

    Nothing a grinder could not fix…

  16. Jim S. Says:

    I think I would prefer to be stabbed with a real knife. The force required to penetrate and the awkward tip that this knife has would probably cause more tearing whereas a knife would make a clean cut. A stab from this knife would be a bitch to repair…like trying to sew up a patch of ground beef.

  17. straightarrow Says:

    Also there is an artery on the inside of the arm which will bleed someone out almost as fast as femoral artery, Huck has it right if you can maintain distance. If you can maintain enough distance run to your gun.

  18. nk Says:

    The best of both worlds. Safe for work, no site pimping. My father killed and skinned a lot of food with a blade like this.

  19. Paul Says:

    And so thugs won’t use screwdrivers? Or ice picks? Or even penciles? And do they thing the bad guys won’t just file a point onto this ‘anti-stab’ knife and use it?

    Stuck on stupid, as the General said, aptly describes this anti-stab knife idea.

  20. dave Says:

    Any hard object moving fast enough will penetrate soft tissue. Last I checked, lots of bullets aren’t sharp.

  21. Matt Groom Says:

    I guess they don’t realize in the UK that people have been making extremely sharp and deadly cutting instruments since long before the discovery of metals, and probably before the discovery of fire. It’s not hard to make a sword in our industrialized world out of old car parts, a fire, a hammer, and some time. If people want to make primitive (but effective) offensive weapons, it’s easier than many people seem to think.

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