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Taurus judge fanboys attack. Flamethrower? Really.

10 Responses to “Judgmental”

  1. SoupOrMan Says:

    The idea of a .410 flamethrower round amuses me, but it’s still early in the work day.

  2. Nate Says:

    Maybe a .410 Dragonsbreath round?

  3. Madrocketscientist Says:

    I’ve only seen Dragons Breath rounds in 12 gauge. Where the heck would you even get a specialty .410 round like that?

  4. D2k Says:

    Could load your own, not sure what they are made from, but I probably could come up with something.
    Maybe aluminum powder.

  5. KCSteve Says:

    I remember way back one of the magazines had an article on flour shells for home defense. Sure mucks up your barrel but as they noted, it does turn your shotgun in a pulsed flame thrower.

  6. Nate Says:

    I think they use magnesium powder for them, I’m not totally sure.

  7. Rabbit Says:

    Flechettes and flame rounds. Good luck on a successful defense from prosecution when you pop a goblin with those, Skippy.


  8. Lyle Says:

    That’s a lot of silliness. Who says a flechette round will penetrate body armor anyway, and from a shortie revolver? I’ve tried them from an 18″ barrel at close range and they tend to strike the target backwards, sideways, and at all other odd angles, penetrating yellow pine no more than a few millimeters. I guess if you’re shooting watermelons though, they’re awesome. Or something.

  9. straightarrow Says:

    I don’t know about fleshettes in a pistol, but in the beehive mortar round they were a horrible and efficient killing device.

  10. straightarrow Says:

    Don’t know about penetration on yellow pine either, but they will damn sure go completely through little yellow men of the VC persuasion.

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