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Ammo in your guns, that are in your car, that might be near a restaurant that is near alcohol

A bit back, a law was passed in TN allowing carry permit holders to keep a rifle in their car if a round was not chambered. Now, a bill has been introduced to let anyone keep a rifle in the car.

11 Responses to “Ammo in your guns, that are in your car, that might be near a restaurant that is near alcohol”

  1. Jay T Says:

    Next up: Knives can be sharpened!

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Unc: it’s actually a law that would allow ANYONE to have a long gun in their vehicle as long as it’s not chambered.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    crap. got my bills confused. fixed.

  4. Flighterdoc Says:

    What does the law say now? You can’t transport long guns at all?

  5. SayUncle Says:

    you can transport them to a range or something. but you can’t keep a just in case gun in your ride without a permit.

  6. Blake Says:

    But you can with a permit I believe. At least I hope so.

    I thought there was a law in the last assembly that allowed permit holders to have loaded long-guns in their vehicles. Loaded meaning, mag full, no rounds in chamber.

    At least that’s what I thought.

    Am I wrong?

  7. SayUncle Says:

    that is correct, to my knowledge.

  8. ishida Says:

    Looking at the wording used by the legislators/politicians and the AP, it looks like it DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO HAVE IT LOADED, but you can no longer get in trouble if the ammunition is WITH the gun.

  9. Mike V. Says:

    With a permit: Rounds in magazine, no round chambered.
    With NO permit: No rounds in gun, no ammo NEAR gun.

  10. Lyle Says:

    The long gun in the rack in the pickup cab window is a nearly every day sight here in Eastern WA / North ID. In the 1970s it was a common sight in our high school parking lot during hunting season (‘course that was before this current level of anti-gun madness took hold).

    I don’t keep a gun rack in my pickup, mainly because I don’t want an 8 pound rifle clubbing me at the base of the skull if I have to stomp on the binders, chosing instead to keep a rifle or two in the back seat. We don’t keep them loaded either, by law but stuffing in a box mag or stabbing in a clip-full isn’t difficult or time consuming.

  11. Some Guy Says:

    Incomprehensible grammar? In MY blog? It’s more likely than you think.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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