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Climategate gets more interesting

Russia confirms UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming.

7 Responses to “Climategate gets more interesting”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Confirms? Try alleges. And the allegation is coming from a non-scientific body. Yawn.

    We gunnies complain a LOT about the media misrepresenting things. We should probably avoid doing the same thing :).

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Uh huh, PGP, when the evidence is against you attack the people who read it.

    How do you maintain faith in a disproven theory. I call it faith, because it sure as hell isn’t reason.

    Now, I know faith is a belief in something one cannot prove, but how does one maintain faith in something that has definitively been disproven and further has been supported by lies that have been exposed?

    I really would like answers to those questions. Oh, and one more. Are you really so in need of the ego boost you get from feeling all superior because you think you can prove you “care more” than those of us who care but use science and fact and REAL data to try determine what if anything should or could be done?

    That is another question that I really want an answer too, really, really badly. Because I believe you to be a good man, and I know you are an intelligent man, so why is your ego so weak that you follow a charlatan?

  3. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Seeing as I don’t think any of your premises are capable of sustaining even a modicum of scrutiny, it seems a pointless discussion, dontcha think? The only thing dis-proven is the idea that AGW is some sort of vast conspiracy.

    If it’s a matter of siding with either scientists or you…sorry bud, I gotta side with the empiricists.

    But I do think you’re right about one thing–since the evidence is strongly stacked against the denialists, all they have left is attacking the people telling us the truth.

  4. eyetooth Says:

    Wow. “Denialists”.
    No loaded terms there.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Ok PGP, I take back my assessment of your intelligence. You win, you can deny the facts all you wish. The empiricists all ALL disagree that your position has been proven and recent data, 10 years old or so, lean completely the other way.

    You didn’t have to take my word for it, you don’t have to take their word for it. You could just look up the things I said and you would find numerous unimpeachable sources that have reported thus. You would also find that manipulation of data was not necessary nor was it practiced. I guess the only theorem proven by the global warming crowd is that the loud liar will be heard above the quiet truthful.

    So, are you saying the Ross Ice Shelf isn’t thicker, or that the Arctic areas mentioned haven’t frozen over earlier, or that polar bear population hasn’t exploded in the last thirty plus years?

    c’mon now, give us some facts instead of calling names and besmirching others.

    Oh, wait, never mind, that’s all you got.

  6. eyetooth Says:

    And Sebastian – Are these empirists the ones that predicted/warned of the mini ice age in the 70’s, the collapse of the planet when the population hit 6 billion, running out of oil (in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s…), ozone hole, killer bees, AIDS global epidemic, SARS, the first swine flu, the second swinne flu, etc? Notice how all it takes is your liberty and tax dollars to fix?

    Please, you seem more intelligent than that.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    And how sick is it that you are afraid to provide even a modicum of scrutiny to opposing views? I think you already know the truth, but it isn’t to your liking because it negates your feelings of moral superiority.

    So, just run away and don’t do even a modicum of scrutiny. If you will be quiet about this and not try to influence others with the falsehoods you now push, I will not engage you again on this topic. That way you can feel all good about yourself despite the truth. Deal? Call it my Christmas gift to you.

    Oh, and you never did meet my challenge about which of us does more, does more, not talks more, to make the environment better. You tell me what you do, then I will tell you why Al Gore and you people should be buying carbon credits from me, since this fraud is operational.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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