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Good question:

I understand your point, but how are we to judge what is a “good idea” vs. what is a “bad idea”? As I recall, Heller was roundly condemned (at one point) by the NRA as a bad idea, and it’s turned out to be a shining victory.

2 Responses to “Strategery”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    not a shining victory. It also established “gun in the home for defense” with nothing about anywhere else, “reasonable restrictions” are only two of the things that are ripe for abuse in the decision. It is better than what existed before, it would better be described as a small advance with exposed flanks, not a “shining victory”.

    This is not to say the NRA was correct, they weren’t, Heller was definitely worth doing.

    There is a great deal more to be done.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Aww shit, I did it again. Maybe he can take a tranquilizer or something.

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