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Glock in the press

Looks like Businessweek ran a rather unflattering piece on Glock, alleging they hide profits in shell companies. But there is also a lot of good info in the piece. Massad Ayoob doesn’t think the piece is anti-gun and he actually did some shooting with the reporter.

5 Responses to “Glock in the press”

  1. countertop Says:

    I think people are a bit quick to yell fire.

    This wasn’t anti gun. Business Week doesn’t care one way or another. Rather, it was a fascinating look at how a very successful business is run and how they overcame some pesky challenges – using both politics and product improvement to advance the business.

    I came out of reading it with a ton more respect for Gaston Glock.

  2. Gun Blobber Says:

    I don’t think the piece was anti-gun at all. It was pretty much just a straight-up business piece, like it should be. Interesting to read all of the intrigue going on at Glock, however. I guess it kind of puts the company in a bad light, but that’s the fault of the events themselves, not the reporting.

  3. FatWhiteMan Says:

    Bet you won’t see this article mentioned in any of the gun rags. They don’t do anti-Glock.

  4. milquetoast Says:

    Glock was attacked in an underground garage. The hit man, a former professional wrestler and French Legionnaire named Jacques Pecheur, bashed the businessman on the head with a rubber mallet, a technique apparently aimed at making it look like the victim had fallen down and fatally injured himself. Glock (who was 70 at the time)…fought back. When police arrived, they found Glock bleeding from gashes to his skull. Pecheur, 67, was unconscious.

    If I every go to Austria, I think I might look him up and try to sell him a Ruger pocket gun so he can protect himself from senior citizen hit men.

  5. Chas Says:

    A pocket gun? Nein! Zhose are only fur der kriminal! Zhat ist vhy ve are not vit der making of zhem.

    Gaston G

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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